I am 
I am a graphic designer with over a decade of work in education, who has become a learning experience designer and now is getting into technology by studying cloud infrastructure and software development in 42 Madrid.

For years, my interest in lost objects took form in the lamps I built as Acabose.

On 2012 I cofounded Familia Plómez.

I have been playing synths in Bigote Ballena, I make music as ultraligero and I love drawing. I also write about learning and publish on Medium.

After seven years at IED Madrid, as Head of Visual Arts in the Master area, I spent a period working at domestika as the Category Expert of Design, Calligraphy and Typography, and now I am working at La Nave Nodriza as an academic coordinator.

You can see my professional profile and get in thouch with me on Linkedin.

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